Funeral for Neil McLachlan

Funeral service will be held at Guildford Crematorium on Tuesday 24th March at 12.45p.m

As you will appreciate, in the light of the current circumstances for all gatherings and travel arrangements, only a few of us will be able to join together for the ceremony in the chapel. We understand that many people will be disappointed not to be able to be present with us. Thank you for your concern, care and support at this time.

I have just added the order of service , Eulogy and readings to the Journel. All those that can please read and also listen to our time of reflection music on Tuesday at 1 p.m and remember all your memories of your time with Neil/Nelly/Dad / Grandad  followed by saying goodbye to him by listening to our closing music at 1.15 p.m. This way we will all be together in our thoughts for him no matter where we are.

Please all be ready to celebrate Neil's life in style as soon as these crazy time allows us!

24th March 2020 at 12:45 pm
Guildford Crematorium New Pond Road Godalming GU7 3DB Get directions

If you would like to make a donation in memory of Neil at this time, we have chosen to support Alzheimer's Research UK.We have already received tremendous support for our midnight walk for St Catherine's Hospice, thank you.